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Museum of Icons

14 lutego 2020

Museum of Icons in Supraśl - a branch of the Podlasie Museum, created on the premises of the Orthodox monastery in Supraśl, which has over five hundred years of tradition. The collection of the Podlasie Museum includes approximately 1.2 thousand items. icons. A large part of this collection consists of icons detained by customs officers during attempts to smuggle them to Poland from across the eastern border, which were transferred to the museum after the court proceedings were completed.
Since February 2007, the first permanent exhibition has been installed in Supraśl - "Icon. Image and word – between what is fleeting and eternal”, including approximately 300 icons, sacred objects and unique frescoes. The exhibition is multimedia, the exhibits are enriched with light, images and sound. All this, as well as the decorations in each of the 9 rooms (referring, among others, to the interior of an Orthodox church, a hermit's cave or a country cottage), are intended to put viewers in a contemplative mood and help them understand the role (not only religious, but also historical and moral) icons in Orthodoxy. The author of the artistic concept is the director of the Podlaskie Museum in Białystok, Andrzej Lechowski. The author of the script is Krystyna Mazuruk.

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